Adventure Time!

A blog about the world. According to me. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

French Fries

Today at lunch they had french fries. I got so excited when I saw them, french fries are a really delicacy here plus I was socking wet and cold so I needed to indulge in something warm and salty, something that reminded me of home.
As I grabbed a tray and hurried down the lunch line I quickly grabbed half a sandwich and some cucumber slices, I was saving up for the real prize. As I not so patiently waited my turn my mind was focused on one question 'I wonder how many they'll give me?'. The answer? None. Not even one measly french fry. My mind went into a uncomprehending tail spin 'No french fries?' 'But I want french fries!' 'Why? Why no french fries!?!' It turns out the seniors at the school were having a special lunch and apparently were not into sharing.
So french fry less I resignedly picked up my tray and moved to the proper line where, the had rice and dahl, again, for like the how ever many meals I've been here for time. Rice and dahl. I am sitting at my tble and basically in a self enraged fit thinking thoughts along the lines of 'I only wanted french fries,' 'If only I had some french fries,' 'If I had some french fries I would be completely satisfied,'. As I sat stewing in my pot of self pity and hate one of my companions kindly asks why not and if we could please have some french fries. The man responds "When everybody else has eaten THEN you can have some." 'Bah! I want the damn french fries now!' my mind shouts. I eat the rest of my dull and dreary meal as I watch EVERYBODY else but me go and get some french fries. Now normally I do not go this nuts over food and especially over french fries but, I COULD NOT get my mind of them or the unfairness of it all.
Let it be said that yes, after about a half hour of bitter thoughts and longing I got my french fries. The were the best french fries I had ever eaten. I was radiating peace and satisfaction, thinking that it was the best meal I had eaten in India when they brought out the chocolate sauce.


  1. Was the chocolatte sauce for the french fries? This is a great story of longing, loss and ultimate victory. Keep 'em coming! If you can figure out Skype I'll talk you through the picture posting.


  2. hee hee when you get back ill buy you all the french fries you want. :) and cheese
    (this is jasmine btw
